What is a General Plan?

California law requires each City and County to adopt a comprehensive long-term general plan for its physical development and update it periodically. A General Plan is its blueprint for the future and, through appropriate goals, policies, and programs, it serves as a decision-making tool to guide future growth and development. It addresses issues that impact the entire jurisdiction, such as how land is used, where buildings are built, the locations of roads and parks, how to keep the community safe and resilient. All local plans, zoning, and private development must be consistent with the diagrams and policies in the General Plan.

What geographic areas of the County will be the focus of this project?

While the County of Orange General Plan primarily focuses on the unincorporated areaterritory that is not located within a city—the plan also addresses regional services and facilities provided by the County such as regional parks, roads, flood control facilities, etc. The majority of the unincorporated area is located in the southern portion of the County, however there are large parcels of unincorporated property, developed and undeveloped, located throughout the County. In addition, there are numerous small, unincorporated “islands” of property spread throughout the central and northern County. These unincorporated areas will be the focus of the County’s General Plan Update project.

Why is the County updating its General Plan?

The County of Orange General Plan was last comprehensively updated in the early 2010s. Over the last several years, the County of Orange has incrementally updated portions of its General Plan in response to land use changes which have occurred. In addition, in 2022, the County completed an update to its Housing and Land Use Elements.

Having last been comprehensively updated over a decade ago, the County finds that it is an especially opportune time to now develop a comprehensive vision for its future. As part of this General Plan Update effort, the County will address what land use opportunities should be explored given the County’s regional context and location in Southern California. The County contains a diverse set of communities such as, but not limited to, North Tustin, Midway City, the Canyons, the Planned Communities, and the Coastal communities, all of which have their own goals and priorities. Orange County is adjacent to Los Angeles County, Riverside County, San Diego County and the Pacific Ocean. The General Plan must consider all of these factors and how they influence land use within the County.

The project also allows the County an opportunity to address how future technological breakthroughs and trends, such as autonomous vehicles, might affect the livability of the various communities. The Update must also address State directives, including legislation regarding climate change, housing affordability, and greenhouse gas emissions.

What is included in the General Plan Update project?

The General Plan Update work program entails preparation of a variety of important plans and reports that will guide the County through 2045. These include:

      Existing Conditions Report – The Existing Conditions Report will describe current conditions and regulations affecting the County’s unincorporated areas associated with land use and growth, circulation and mobility, market trends, historic resources, community services and facilities, conservation, climate change, safety and noise, and environmental justice. The Existing Conditions Report is prepared early in the process and serves as a resource for decision-makers, the public, County staff, and the consultant team throughout the project.

      General Plan Document - The General Plan document will address all State-required General Plan topics (see below) and other topics of local importance, such as economic development.

      Environmental Impact Report – An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared to address all potential environmental impacts associated with implementation of the General Plan. The EIR will serve as a “tiering document” to facilitate streamlined environmental review of subsequent development, planning, and infrastructure projects undertaken in County areas that are consistent with the General Plan.

What topics are addressed in the General Plan?

General Plans are divided into “elements” (i.e., chapters) based on specific topics. There are eight mandatory elements that Orange County must include in its General Plan: land use, circulation, housing, conservation, open space, safety, noise, and environmental justice. Local governments can organize and format their General Plans however they desire, as long as the required elements are addressed. They can also choose to include additional elements at their discretion, such as public services and facilities or economic development. Each element of the General Plan will also include specific short-, medium- and long-term steps to implement its goals and policies.

What is the schedule for the General Plan Update?

The General Plan Update will take approximately two and a half years, starting in early-2024 and ending in mid-2026. During the first 18 months, the team will evaluate existing conditions, identify and record community priorities, and draft the General Plan policy document. During the second year, the team will evaluate the General Plan and prepare an environmental impact report (EIR) to analyze and address potential impacts associated with the Plan.

How can I get involved?

The General Plan Update process provides an opportunity for community members to discuss and weigh-in on the future Orange County, specifically addressing the unique needs of its unincorporated areas. We encourage you to take advantage of the many opportunities to participate, including visiting a pop-up event, attending an open house, and completing online surveys.

In order to collect community input in an open, engaging, and actionable way, the County has designed a series of community events where you will have the opportunity to participate in and be informed of the planning process. These include:

      Community Surveys and Polls – The County will conduct online surveys to provide additional opportunities for members of the public to provide input on key issues, and give feedback to the County as draft documents are completed.

      Public Review Draft General Plan – The Public Review Draft General Plan and Environmental Impact Report will be made available to the entire community for review and feedback before the plan is finalized.

      Planning Commission and Board of Supervisor Hearings – The County will conduct public hearings and study sessions before the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to consider the update to the General Plan.

Why should I get involved?

The County of Orange is committed to engaging all sectors of the County’s population in this comprehensive planning effort, identifying community values, and translating those values into a community vision. A successful General Plan will reflect the community’s vision and priorities, and we believe that your voice is vital to producing a plan that will reflect your vision for our future. Community input is needed to establish the long-term vision for our unincorporated areas and to identify key issues and priorities.

How will my feedback be used?

Public input from every engagement opportunity is meticulously reviewed and documented to ensure that planners, County staff, and decision-makers have a full understanding of public sentiment when drafting goals and policies. Public feedback on General Plan materials, including goals and policies, will be considered throughout the process.

County staff, elected and appointed officials, business owners, developers, and citizens can reference the General Plan for guidance on what the community values and what are its priorities.

How can I stay informed?

Visit the Get Involved page to view the dates of upcoming meetings and community events. If you wish to be added to the County’s mailing list to receive project updates and invitations to community events, use the contact form and request to be added to the mailing list.

The General Plan Update process is an opportunity for community members to discuss the County’s future. There will be many opportunities to participate, including meetings, open houses, and public hearings. All community engagement opportunities will be posted on this webpage.

FAQ Handout

Click here to download the FAQ handout.